What is the Lead Law?

New Jersey recently enacted a new lead law which now requires ALL single family and duplex rental properties to have a lead certificate filed within a local municipality.

Starting on July 22nd 2022, landlords are required to:
1. Obtain a lead certification
2. Submit the certification to the local municipality

What is a Visual Assessment?

Visual assessment means a certified Risk Assessor has performed a visual examination for deteriorated paint or visible surface dust, debris, or residue.

What is “Lead Safe” and how do we test for it?

The EPA has established a range of limits to be “lead safe” for which the State of New Jersey has adopted for validation. They are 10 micrograms per square foot for floors; 100 micrograms per square foot for windowsills.

For each property, the requirement is to perform a visual inspection and for some municipalities also perform a dust test. (via a swab-like a hand wipe) the windowsill and floors in each bedroom, as well as window sills and floors in one common area (living room, dining room, etc.). These samples are sent to our EPA certified laboratory for a complete analysis.  

Our EPA Laboratory will then issue an independent report summarizing the results which is to be submitted to your local municipality with your “lead safe” certificate.

What is “Lead Free” and how do we test for it?

A certification that a property is “lead free” means that our technicians have used a XRF device to measure the levels of lead in all walls, floors, common areas (living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, etc.) and determined that all surfaces were free of lead.

This test is used primarily in newer or completely (basement to roof) renovated properties.

It requires a comprehensive level of certification that also includes any public areas (hallways, laundry rooms, stairwells, basements, etc).

What Landlords Need to Know

  • The New Jersey State Lead Law #1147 applies to any landlord who rents a property in New Jersey that was built before 1978. Beginning July 22, 2022, ALL rental units (single family and duplex’s only) will have to be lead certified.

  • Landlords must have their rental property visually inspected and for some municipalities, tested for lead paint/dust to obtain a lead certification for their rental property.

  • A landlord who does not comply with this ordinance can be subject to a fine of $1,000 per week.

What Realtors Need to Know

  • The New Jersey State Lead Law #1147 applies to any landlord who rents a property in New Jersey that was built before 1978. Beginning July 22, 2022, ALL rental units (single family and duplex’s only) will have to be lead certified.

  • Landlords must have their rental property visually inspected and for some municipalities, tested for lead paint/dust to obtain a lead certification for their rental property.

  • Landlords are required to submit the lead certificate to their local municipality.

  • A landlord who does not comply with this law can be subject to a fine of $1,000 per week.